Friday 27 March 2020

Sunninghill in Coronavirus Times

Dear friends,

I hope that our friends everywhere are safe and healthy. This morning I ventured to our high street for the first time to collect some things from the pharmacy for ourselves and our "at risk" neighbour. Here are some photos to convey the sense of life in our village.

Daffodils under the crab apple tree in our garden. The leaves on the tree will soon be followed by pink blossom and, later, small red apples, a favourite of the pigeons that poop on our car:
Flowers on Jan's Spring-flowering camelia. She has a winter flowering one at the other end of the garden. Last autumn she researched a Japanese flowering cherry whose buds are quite full. We are waiting for the blossom:

The high street about 09:30. Two food shops are open, as is the pharmacy, and a cafe has converted itself into a fruit, vegetable and eggs shop:

The village school without children:

Upper Village Road, where we live. The big tree is ours:

The Jacobs home:

We are living quietly at home, staying in touch with our sons, friends and family by video call, phone or email. Messages are most welcome

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