Wednesday 24 March 2021

World Downs Syndrome Day 2021 – in Mexico


Sunday 21 March was World Downs Syndrome Day. Our son Chris made this video for his charity, Pasitos de Luz, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico. It features a little boy called Panchito. The captions are in Spanish so for those of you who don’t speak the language I have drafted a transcript below. The italics denote captions for the sections of the video. Do please take a look. The pictures speak for themselves.


You can see the video on Youtube at:


Or you can play it here:

Many of you will have heard about Pasitos de Luz from me before, but for those who have not information about its activities is here (in English!):


Here is the transcript:


I am Panchito – I am more than a person with Downs syndrome


This is Panchito


My name is Francisco but everybody calls me Panchito. I am now 6 years old!


My Family Life


I am an only child and I live with my parents. Their names are Josselin and Pedro.

I love spending time with my family.

We go to the beach.

We go to the stream.

I live with my cousins.

I help with the chores.

And I relax at home with my parents.


My days at Pasitos de Luz


I started at Pasitos de Luz when I was three years old.

I learned to paint and draw.

I love playing music.

I play sports.

I eat well every day.

And I have made friends!


Do you know what Downs syndrome is?


Downs syndrome is a chromosomal disorder.

I have 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

This means that I sometimes find it difficult to do some things.

For example, sometimes I have difficulty making myself understood, paying attention to what my teachers say or following instructions. But I have learned to listen and to express myself better and now I really enjoy my lessons at Pasitos de Luz.


Francisco is a very active child, very affectionate, he is happy and likes to play. To me he is an angel, he is a gift from God. Pedro, Panchito’s Dad


I am Panchito. And I am more than a person with Downs syndrome.


Pasitos de Luz. “Working with love”

To play the video after reading the transcript click below:

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