Tuesday 2 November 2021

A Jacobs at COP26


I can’t avoid a brief post to reflect parental pride in my son David’s small contribution to COP26. For some years he has produced animations for the European Space Agency (ESA). One of the animations that ESA commissioned for the meeting in Glasgow is Change in the Arctic, available here:


Change in the Arctic 



To see the video click on Change in the Arctic and then on the url (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2021/09/Change_in_the_Arctic). You will be asked whether you wish to be redirected to the link. Click on it again to see the animation. Sorry for the elaborate method of linking - the blog site requires it. You can also just cut and paste the link into a new window of your browser.


David designed the giant ice cube that looms larger and larger over London. It so pleased the ESA scientists that they decided to have a large inflatable version made for their display at COP26. Since the meeting is being held in Glasgow, it is particularly appropriate that David has contributed to the debate there, since he is a graduate of the Glasgow School of Art.

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