Sunday 23 April 2023

The price of rhetoric

 The Guardian of 22 April printed on page 29 an article about the government's plans to house behind high fences 1,700 asylum seekers in buildings on a Ministry of Defence airfield at Wethersfield in Essex. The article was accompanied by a photo of three people standing outside the main gate of the airfield. They had signs which read:

Defend our borders

Protect our teens from sexual harassment done by illegals

We didnt [sic] surrender to to [sic] the Germans so you lot can tabaa [sic]

Illegals out before it comes to war ["war" printed in red]

The minister in charge of the department that plans to house asylum seekers in Wethersfield, Suella Braverman, has determinedly used rhetoric that stokes fear and resentment. Refugees are alleged to be part of an invasion, are referred to as a threat, as illegal. They are housed in hotels which are said to be luxurious. The dehumanising rhetoric is mirrored in the large circulation press and online media. Hence references to "you lot" and to "illegals". I know of no evidence that asylum seekers sexually molest teenagers, nor do I know whether the person who wrote that sign knows of any evidence.

The Welsh government, to its credit, refuses to participate in this rhetoric and instead offers sanctuary to refugees. Lone child refugees who reach the age of 18 are given an income (as are all other parentless children in Wales on their 18th birthday) to help them adjust to life outside the care system.

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