Tuesday 14 May 2024

Wheelchairs on Eurostar: a small victory


The blog of 9 April told the sorry tale of our friend Cedric Álvarez and the lack of support for wheelchair users on Eurostar services at St Pancras Station. Thanks to the journalism and determination of the redoubtable Anna Tims of the Observer, Eurostar has taken steps to improve its support of wheelchair users. The old-fashioned printed newspaper still has some power to encourage change.


Anna recently received this statement from Eurostar:


“Thank you for bringing this to our attention as well as other discussions we've had over the last month or so. The experience of this customer and your outreach has prompted us to take a very close look at accessibility, which is a top priority for Eurostar. We understand the challenges faced by customers with mobility needs, and we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive travel experience for all.


I'm pleased to inform you that, effective May 8th, Eurostar has updated its processes regarding accessibility assistance at St Pancras. Customers will now be assisted in their own wheelchairs, provided their equipment passes a Health Check (visual attached of this process) This measure is aimed at ensuring the safety of our customers and staff while accommodating individual mobility needs and providing a much better experience, bringing SPI into line with other stations for a more consistent service for customers.


To support this initiative, we have already trained over 60 staff members, and this training will be conducted every 12 months, with regular refresher courses as needed. Our Customer Assistance Team Members have been briefed on these changes, and our partners at the European Business and Service Centre (EBSC) are updating their information accordingly. Pre-travel communications will also be amended to explain the elements we will be checking.


The new guidelines have been developed in partnership with our Safety and Legal teams, and we will continue to work closely with Office of Rail and Road (ORR), ensuring compliance with industry standards.


We understand the importance of transparency and would be delighted to welcome you and a some of the customers to visit us and observe the training sessions firsthand. This would provide an opportunity for you to see the measures we are implementing to prioritise the well-being and needs of our accessibility customers.


Please feel free to reach out with any further questions or concerns. 


We value your feedback and are committed to continuously improving our services.”


Cedric and his mother Chantal will visit London at the end of June with tickets provided by Eurostar by way of apologies and we will celebrate our small triumph with a lunch and an afternoon at the theatre. And other wheelchair users will receive improved service.


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