Saturday 4 April 2020

The iconography of the pandemic

In the UK, teddy bears and children’s drawings of rainbows have appeared in windows as a gesture of thanks to those who keep our society functioning in these difficult times, especially to the staff of the National Health Service. As we took our permitted daily walk early this morning I took a few photos of the varied displays in Sunninghill.

The window of a close neighbour, a violin teacher

Variations on a rainbow theme

A rainbow with a message: Stay safe. Work together.
Rainbows, clouds, a flower, and a pot of gold painted directly on glass

Cloud Cottage sits high on the hill so the drawings, including Peppa Pig, are displayed on the fence
Socially distanced coffee with our neighbour, who lives alone
Our neighbour's dog, Winnie, after scoffing her croissant in one gulp

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