Friday 17 July 2020

Covid-19: a view from western Mexico

We follow the statistics about the pandemic in Mexico with a special family interest, since our son Chris lives and works in San Vicente, Nayarit state. Nationwide, the news has not been good. As of 17 July 324, 041 cases and 37,574 deaths, but we know that the government statistics are a substantial underestimate. Fortunately, Chris’ area seems to have been less severely affected, from an epidemiological point of view. Alas, from a human point of view the virus has done enormous damage to the lives of the many Mexicans who work hard to eke out a meagre existence.

Chris sent us a link to a video he has just made a video that tells the story far better than I can:

In happier times Chris' charity cares for many disabled children. Alas, the charity has had to close , leaving the children at home with parents who struggle to feed them.
Children and staff at Pasitos' building

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